Ficus lyrata

from £275.00

Native to western and central Africa, more commonly called a Fiddle Leaf Fig due to the fiddle or violin shape of each leaf. It has deep green waxy leaves and can grow to heights of over 30 metres outdoors, while indoor it is more common to reach around 3 metres. This tree will love a well lit space, so bright indirect light is perfect. It can tolerate direct sunlight for 3-4 hours a day, however this plant cannot be left in a low light area. Drafts are really an issue for a Ficus Lyrata, so do not place it under or close to a hot or cold air vent. Water once the top 5-10cm of soil has dried out, these trees do not like to be standing in water nor can they tolerate drying out completely. A free draining soil with a mixture of organic compost is ideal for this Ficus.

Plant details:

Ficus small

  • Plant approx. 145-160cm in height

  • Delivered in a 30cm pot

  • Fits decorative 32cm upwards

  • Decorative pot not included

  • Fits perfectly in our Midori and Yuki

Ficus large

  • Plant approx. 170-185cm in height

  • Delivered in a 38cm coir pot

  • Fits decorative 40cm upwards

  • Decorative pot not included

  • Fits perfectly in our Acute 2 (in stock from December 2020)
